Monday 11 July 2016

Welcome to My Journey

Some of my friends know already, but this is not something I have shared openly up to now. Just over a year ago, I began a health and fitness journey that literally changed my life.
Truth be told, my journey started more than two years ago, but I was stuck in neutral for a long time. I would yo-yo, losing a few pounds and then gaining them back. I did this for almost 18 months until my doctor advised that, due to chronic and unmanageable anemia, I should quit dieting. My doctor told me that I should lose weight (I was 233 lbs and classified as obese) that I needed to practice portion control and increase my physical activity. Well seriously, what doctor doesn’t say that? And if I could practice portion control, I wouldn’t need to lose weight. Am I right? Add to that, I was never physically active (I did well to get on my treadmill a few days a week) and my 50th birthday was only a month away.
It was not long after that that I saw an infomercial for a program that was all about portion control, healthy eating and a fairly simple workout routine. It was just what I was looking for and it practically fell right into my lap. It sounded so easy, too easy. But it came with a 30-day money back guarantee, what did I have to lose. . .except weight. So I ordered it, after all I could always send it back (but let’s be honest, I was never going to send it back).
Fast forward to today, I have lost 52 lbs, I am no longer classified as obese, my anemia is controlled and I am no longer on iron supplements. At (almost) 51, I am in the best condition of my life, so I decided to become an online health and fitness coach, to share my journey and to inspire and help others become the best versions of themselves.
Does my story sound familiar? Does it pique your interest? I would like to invite you to follow my journey, as it’s far from over. I am still overweight, I need to lose about 20 more pounds and I would like to get my blood pressure down to normal range without medication. I would like to participate in a 5k run, maybe even a 10k, and someday I am going to do a real push up. You can find me here, on Instagram and Twitter (guiderjen for both), feel free to drop by anytime.

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